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Hommage: Jan Rajlich 100×100 Exhibition 2020丨Selected

SoFeng Design Selected in The Hommage: Jan Rajlich 100×100 Exhibition 2020

SoFeng Design丨如視设计海报作品入选2020致敬Jan Rajlich诞辰100周年海报展


To mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Jan Rajlich Sr., the founder and long-time chairman of the organizing committee of the International Biennale of Graphic Design Brno, the SBB organized an international poster event.the organi- zers received a total of over 330 posters from 195 designers from 40 countries. And the exhibition features 100 selected posters by 78 artists/designers from around the world.

为纪念布尔诺国际平面设计双年展创始人兼组委会主席 Jan Rajlich Sr. 诞辰 100 周年,SBB 举办了一场国际海报展览。主办方共收到了 来自 40 个国家的 195 位设计师的 330多张海报。 最终展出了来自世界各地的 78 位设计师的 100 张精选海报。


- Award Project -

- 入选作品 -


- Exhibition Site -

- 展览现场-


- Award Certificate -

- 入选证书 -


- The Catalogue -

- 作品集 -



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