SoFeng Design won the Silver Award of the Graphis Design Annual 2021
SoFeng Design丨如視设计品牌设计作品荣获美国Graphis设计年鉴2021丨银奖
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- 获奖作品 -
关于大赛丨About the Competition
Graphis Design Annual
Graphis Design Annual is an authoritative competition regarded by the American visual design community as the "Bible"; it is extremely authoritative in the industry, equivalent to the importance of Forbes magazine in wealth and business operations . The annual awards and awarding activities have had a huge and far-reaching impact on graphic design worldwide.
Graphis Design Annual(美国平面设计年度奖)是被美国视觉设计界视为“圣经”的权威性比赛;其在业界中极具权威性,相当于《福布斯》杂志在财富和商业运作中的重要性。每年的评奖与颁奖活动对世界范围内的平面设计产生了巨大、深远的影响。