SoFeng Design丨如視设计创始人沙锋受邀参展2023绿色城市—深圳国际生态海报邀请展
SoFeng Design Invited in 2023 Shenzhen International Urban Eco-Poster Invitation Exhibition
This exhibition is divided into an invitation part and a selection part, in which 60 works are invited for the exhibition, and 40 works are selected for the exhibition.
- Award Project -
- 入选作品 -
- Award Certificate -
- 获奖证书 -
关于展览丨About Exhibition
Shenzhen International Urban Eco-Poster Invitation Exhibition
In order to help Shenzhen build an "International Wetland City" in 2035, the Organizing Committee of Shenzhen International Poster Festival and Shenzhen Poster Design Association jointly held an invitational exhibition of Urban Eco-Poster design with the theme of "Green City", aiming to integrate cities and wetlands. In order to explore the starting point, take care of the current green development hotspots that have attracted much attention, supplemented by the relevant thinking of design artists in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, present 100 excellent green ecological poster creation works for the public, and use design to talk about the Greater Bay Area Ecological stories enhance Shenzhen's cultural soft power and regional competitiveness.