SoFeng Design丨如視设计两件海报作品入选2023第6届波兰卢布林国际海报双年展
SoFeng Design Selected in The 6th International Poster Biennale Lublin 2023 in Poland

A total of 3,797 poster works were received in this Biennale, and 431 works from 231 artists were selected by the international jury to participate in this Biennale.
- Award Project -
- 获奖作品 -

- Award Certificate -
- 获奖证书 -

- Exhibition -
- 展览现场-

关于大赛丨About Competition
International Poster Biennale in Lublin, Poland
卢布林国际海报双年展 (IPBL) 是一项具有全球重要性的活动,自 2013年起每两年举办一次。最初两届比赛作品征集范围仅限全球设计专业学生,自第三届开始,组委会将赛事升级为专业组加学生组,名称由原来的卢布林国际青年海报双年展,改为波兰卢布林国际海报双年展。
The International Poster Biennale Lublin (IPBL) is an event of global importance, held every two years since 2013. In the first two competitions, the scope of collection of works was limited to design students from all over the world. Since the third competition, the organizing committee has upgraded the competition to a professional group plus a student group, and the name has been changed from the original Lublin International Youth Poster Biennale to the Polish Ruble Lin International Poster Biennale.