SoFeng Design won 3 Excellent Award of the 2021 Applied Typography 32
SoFeng Design丨如視设计荣获2021 日本字体设计协会 Applied Typography 32 / 优异奖x3

Founded in 1964, the Japan Typograhy Association (JTA) is an organization dedicated to promoting text communication, font technical performance, and font culture development. It has more than 200 members worldwide. JTA is Japan's first professional competition for text, symbols, graphics and application communication design for the world. It is one of the longest graphic design exhibitions in the world. Every year, an international font design competition is held to bring together outstanding font design works from all over the world. Documented in the book "Applied Typography".
日本字体设计协会(JTA)成立于1964年,是一个致力于促进文字传达、字体技术表现、字体文化发展的组织,已在全球拥有200余位会员。JTA是日本首个面向全球的文字、符号、图形及应用传达设计专业竞赛,是世界历史最悠久的平面设计展览活动之一,每年举办国际性的字体设计赛事,将世界各地的杰出字体设计作品记录于《Applied Typography》一书中。
- Award Project -
- 获奖作品 -

《亦文亦武》 LOGO

《寒山美术馆》 LOGO
《纸美东方-纹样之赏析》 书籍设计
- Award Certificate -
- 获奖证书 -

关于大赛丨About Competition
Applied Typography 32
日本字体设计协会 Applied Typography
Founded in 1964, the Japan Typograhy Association (JTA) is an organization dedicated to promoting text communication, font technical performance, and font culture development. It has more than 200 members worldwide. JTA is Japan's first professional competition for text, symbols, graphics and application communication design for the world. It is one of the longest graphic design exhibitions in the world. Every year, an international font design competition is held to bring together outstanding font design works from all over the world. Documented in the book "Applied Typography".
日本字体设计协会(JTA)成立于1964年,是一个致力于促进文字传达、字体技术表现、字体文化发展的组织,已在全球拥有200余位会员。JTA是日本首个面向全球的文字、符号、图形及应用传达设计专业竞赛,是世界历史最悠久的平面设计展览活动之一,每年举办国际性的字体设计赛事,将世界各地的杰出字体设计作品记录于《Applied Typography》一书中。